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IMPACTS-MS Patterns and Visualization in the Middle Grades

October 23, 2021

Patterns and visualization are critical areas for developing conceptual understanding of mathematics across K-12. Building on elementary school students’ experiences with manipulatives and visual models, middle school teachers can extend the use of concrete and visual representations to connect fractions, ratios, proportions, linear relationships, and functions. Workshop participants will explore developmental trajectories related to the big ideas of pre-algebraic and algebraic thinking through the use of manipulatives and diagrams (e.g., pattern tasks, area models, and Algebra Tiles). Come join us in developing a deeper understanding of patterns and visualization in mathematics.

(Activities will be different from last year’s workshops, so teachers who attended last year should still consider attending this year’s workshop.)

NOTE: Participants will be expected to take a task back to their classrooms, collect and analyze student work, and share their reflections with the CRR.

***Teachers from Arizona schools are invited to apply at no cost. Others may register for $60. 

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