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Using Primary Sources to Analyze American Responses to the Holocaust

September 22, 2022

Do your students wonder why Jews didn’t leave Germany before the Holocaust? Do your students wonder why the U.S. didn’t just let all Jewish refugees into the country to save them?

This webinar explores how to use a variety of primary sources on the Holocaust to prompt critical thinking about essential topics in American history and current events. These sources will help you frame student discussions about America’s role in the world as a defender of liberal democracy and freedom, America as a country of immigrants and a haven for refugees, and America as a country whose own history is scarred by racism, bigotry, and antisemitism.

This session will explore different ways that teachers can engage students in analysis and evaluation of primary sources to understand the pressures and motivations that influenced American responses to the Holocaust, the challenges facing refugees fleeing Nazi persecution, and to apply those principles to today.

We will address real-world situations for both the ELA and social studies teacher in grades 6-12 and provide resources you can use tomorrow in your classes.

  • For questions regarding this resource, please contact .
  • Contact Name: Linda Burrows
  • Email Address: