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Arizona Project WET

Promoting responsible water stewardship through excellent and effective water education

Arizona Project WET (APW) develops water stewardship and STEM literacy by providing teacher professional development that evolves instructional practice and deepens content knowledge, direct student outreach that delivers or extends classroom learning, and community engagement.

AZ Project WET incorporates the theme of water in all professional development leading to the understanding of:

  • Where does our water come from?
  • How do we manage our water?
  • How can we effectively reuse and conserve water?
  • What are our water quality challenges and how can we address them?
  • How do we plan for water sustainability?
  • How is water connected to energy and food production?

We Help Teachers Develop Student-driven Instruction that requires students to think critically, gaining a deeper understanding, while evaluating, prioritizing, and applying knowledge to find solutions.  Systems Thinking and Engineering Design are featured in many offerings.

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