Our mission is to strengthen economic education at the secondary level so that all students are able to apply economic principles in their personal, professional, and civic lives.
Free Professional Development
We offer nonpartisan programs focusing on economics, personal finance, and the ways those disciplines overlap with other subjects, including mathematics, history, and civics.
Programs are funded by the Thomas R. Brown Foundation.
Upcoming PD Events & Webinars
Can’t Stop the Music: AI and Music in Your Classroom
Learn about the ways AI is changing the music industry and the benefits & costs associated with it.
Maximizing Student Learning with Retrieval Practice and Metacognition
Practical strategies for bringing these powerful teaching moves to your classroom.
Interpreting Economic Data to Make Sense of the World
Strengthen your students' quantitative analysis skills and ramp up the relevance of your course with macroeconomic data
Hire Education: Demystifying the Labor Market for Students
Better understand terminology & data associated with unemployment & the labor force. Leave with classroom resources.
The Economics of Love and Romance
As Valentine's Day comes, show your middle and high school students economics by linking economic concepts to romance.
Expertise, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of Work
Explore the profound impact of AI on the future of work with influential labor economist David Autor in this webinar.