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Johnson Young and Associates LLC

Special Education, Teacher, Professional Development, Collaobration

We believe professional development for educators is essential to achieving outstanding educators and schools. We have created customizable training to support professional learning for administrators, teachers, and paraprofessionals.

We believe professional development for educators is essential to achieving outstanding educators and schools. We have created customizable training to support professional learning for administrators, teachers, and paraprofessionals. Johnson Young and Associates provided training to educators in person and virtual options, we have provided training in the following areas:

Classroom Management.

Social Emotional Learning.

Educator Self-Care.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.



Teacher Recruitment and Retention

Special Education

Transition Planning

Behavioral Health

Other agency resources: VR, DDD, ILC


Our team has experience collaborating to manage programs, create curriculums, and working with grants. These opportunities have given us the ability to provide training to empower teachers to include all students and provide accessibility for all students. We continually bring resources to school districts and charters along with systems change to improve support services to educators and students statewide.