Benefits of the TREC website available to everyone:
- Explore professional learning opportunities in the region
- Search and filter to find meaningful PD events, On-demand videos, and grants
- Learn more about all TREC efforts to increase teacher retention in the region
If you are not part of a participating district or school, click here for other ways to join.
Benefits of TREC available to educators at participating district, school, or early childhood educators in Southern Arizona:
- Access all TREC event registrations as well as additional resources on the website.
- All the great benefits available to everyone PLUS the ability to bookmark resources so you can come back to them at any time!
- Attend all TREC events (as space allows), such as:
- Educator Celebration Events
- The Onward Book Study focused on Educator Emotional Resilience
- TREC webinar series
- Summer Summit of Professional Learning
- Register for the TREC Teacher Leader Program
- Participate in TREC Communities of Practice at no charge