Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes), a revolution in medical education and care delivery, is now offered by ASU's College of Health Solutions. This innovative model for improving health outcomes aims to increase capacity by sharing knowledge. Specialists at our "hub" site work with primary care providers in communities across the state to train them in the delivery of specialty care services. The program increases access to specialty treatment and care in rural and underserved areas. The ECHO model is founded upon providing a platform for lifelong learning of guided practice to increase workforce capacity and provide best-practice care to rural and underserved populations all over the world. The driving force behind Project ECHO is the movement to demonopolize knowledge and amplify local capacity to address the needs of the most vulnerable patients by equipping communities with the right knowledge, at the right place, at the right time.
ASU/CHS Project ECHO sponsor a variety of ECHOs based on national, state and local initiatives. ECHOs are always provided at no cost.
Building Expertise with Early Childhood Professional (BEEP) ECHO To meet the challenges faced by entry-level professionals, BEEP will focus on best practices and case-based learning with telepractice as a service delivery model. Our BEEP ECHO meets on alternate Mondays from 4 – 5 p.m. MST (Arizona time). There are usually 10 sessions in each curriculum cycle.
These online sessions are free and led by an expert in their field. Each 60-minute session will start with a short didactic followed by a case presentation and case recommendations. Through these Zoom sessions and follow-up activities, professionals will learn how to serve young children and families developing evidence-based intervention skills and best practices. These trainings count toward continuing education credits. We welcome anyone who is interested in the transfer of knowledge and fostering system change in the lives of young children.
Arizona Early Childhood Professional Development Collaborative is a group of early childhood state and local organizations that sponsor ECHOs for early childhood professionals serving children birth to 5. The goal of this collaborative is to increase access to high quality professional development to ALL early childhood professionals throughout the state. The topic of the ECHOs are based on state initiatives and priorities identified by the early childhood community.
Upcoming PD Events & Webinars
Relationships Over Behavior: A CLASS-Informed Approach (Ages 0-3)
Join us for eight free online bi-weekly Project ECHO sessions to explore CLASS-based strategies that promote positive
Curriculum Modifications to Support Young Children with Disabilities
Free online Project ECHO sessions to learn about curriculum modifications to help students with special needs.
Additional Resources
Supplemental Resources
Early Childhood Math Literacy Padlet
This Padlet features resources centered around Math Literacy for Early Childhood Educators.
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All educators in partner districts/schools and early childhood educators can create a profile for free on the TREC Website.