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College of Education (COE)

At the College of Education, we bring strong theoretical foundations and research methods to the study and improvement of education. And we work with our colleagues in professional education settings in Pre-K-12 and higher education to ground our work in the real settings in which our knowledge is used. We take the challenges that confront our nation’s education systems as our challenges.

Through our research, instruction, and outreach, we are engaged in programs to generate new knowledge about education, teach the next generation of educators and leaders, and engage educational and community groups in improvement. We partner with colleagues across campus, in the education and business sectors, and government and nonprofit agencies to leverage resources to make a difference.

The University of Arizona College of Education was founded in 1922 with an enrollment of 145 students.

Today, we have about 1,800 undergraduate students and 900 graduate students within our four academic departments, each featuring different curriculum, faculty, and degree opportunities. We have about 65 full-time faculty members and 30 clinical and adjunct faculty members. The college offers:

  • Bachelor’s degrees in Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education, Cross-Categorical Special Education, Deaf Studies, General Rehabilitation, and Literacy, Learning, and Leadership
  • Postbaccalaureate teacher certification
  • Master’s and doctoral degrees in education

Working with other colleges, the College of Education is responsible for the vast majority of teacher education on campus. We prepare special educators, school and rehabilitation counselors, school principals and superintendents, and leaders for P-12 and higher education. In recent years, there has been a national call for increased scientific-based research in education. Research is a valuable part of our agenda, and we recognize that a formidable college includes a wide range of scholarship and research — from insight-based, fundamental research to engineering-focused programs of research and development. As we contribute to the national debate about education research and investigate solutions to pressing problems of practice, we find that the plea for greater emphasis on research is consistent with our values and mission.

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