ScholarshipsA-Z is excited to offer a 1 day hybrid conference — Saturday, April 6, from 9 AM to 3 PM — featuring four workshops and a guided discussion for educators on how to best support their undocumented students (4 hours of PD). Our SA-Z educator workshops were imagined to disrupt the educator-student power dynamic by centering the lived experiences and knowledge of Undocumented youth.
Please register to attend either virtually or in person at the University of Arizona
We do not want financial barriers to stand in the way of your attendance, so please reach out to if ticket prices and site fees are an issue.
Tucson Values Teachers is providing limited scholarships for educators to attend PD opportunities, if you are interested, click here for more information
- For questions regarding this resource, please contact ScholarshipsA-Z.
- Phone No: 520-305-9342
- Email Address: