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AZELS Physical Development, Health and Safety Standard Module and Moving with the Brain in Mind

April 24, 2025

Physical activity is natural for young children. Including physical activity in early childhood classrooms will help children remain physically fit later in life. Active children are healthier children. Health and safety go hand in hand with physical development and activity. In this interactive session; participants will actively explore physical development; health and safety. They will see how all three are connected and will lead to happy children and healthier adults. Through hands-on activities; participants will gain practical ideas that will allow children to develop motor skills in appropriate ways; increase children’s capacity for learning and promote social well-being as well as physical and mental health.

The learning objectives are to identify the three strands of the Physical Development; Health; & Safety Standard; explain the interrelationship between all areas of the Early Learning Standards; and identify characteristics of child development as it pertains to the area of Physical Development. We will also discuss how to plan and implement appropriate activities that enhance the physical development of children in specific age and functional levels; describe an environment that contributes to the prevention of illness through the implementation of general hygiene and health practices; and plan and implement environmental safety rules that will foster the children’s physical development and skills.

  • For questions regarding this resource, please contact Arizona Department of Education (ADE).
  • Contact Name: Priscilla Sachs
  • Phone No: (602) 364-1530
  • Email Address: