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Beginning Teacher Series: Rigor Redefined with Michael McDowell

February 11, 2025

Join other educators new to the profession for a day of learning.

The Beginning Teacher Series is specifically designed to support you in your first few years in the classroom with hands-on, easily applicable strategies.

In this session, Michael McDowell will explore the tenets of his book Rigor Redefined: Ten Teaching Habits for Surface, Deep, and Transfer Learning. Attendees will learn how to implement rigorous instruction in small and doable ways that drive student learning and create a lasting impact.

Participants will:

  • Understand the connections among surface learning, deep learning, and transfer learning with elementary and secondary examples.
  • Learn various routines for each of the ten habits: the four learner quality habits and the six learning process habits.
  • Distinguish between declarative, procedural, and contextual knowledge.

Tucson Values Teachers is providing limited scholarships for educators to attend PD opportunities, if you are interested, click here for more information

  • For questions regarding this resource, please contact Arizona K12 Center.
  • Contact Name: Daniela Robles
  • Phone No: 602-443-6444
  • Email Address: