Field Trips at a Ben’s Bells studio are a terrific opportunity to engage in a fun, hands-on art activity, learn about intentional kindness, and participate in a community service project, all in one trip!
Field Trips are an opportunity for students to learn about the benefits of kindness and being part of a kind community. They’re also a great enhancement to our free Kind Campus program! Field Trips are 90-minutes long and we require 1 chaperone for every 8 students. Field trips include:
- Hear the story and mission of Ben’s Bells
- Have a group discussion about intentional kindness
- Learn about the science of kindness
- Create with clay
- Glaze (paint) Kindness Coins or beads
- Learn how visual reminders of kindness can have a positive impact on one’s community and inspire kind behavior
- Kindness coin for each student
- Opportunity to browse Shop KIND merchandise
The cost of a Field Trip is $8 per student. Chaperones are free.
*Kind Campus Discount is $7 per student. Learn more here.

- For questions regarding this resource, please contact Ben's Bells Project.
- Contact Name: Liz Levine, Education Manager
- Phone No: 520-622-1379, ext. 1004
- Email Address: