2025 Theme: Blueprint for the Future
This year’s CI&IT Symposium is a new type of event for AZTEA. Our in-person event on April 25 will center around the National Educational Technology Plan (NETP) and its three pillars, Access, Design, and Use, supported by the work of ISTE author Victoria Thompson’s Elevate Equity in EdTech (2024). In addition to the conference we are offering the opportunity to participate in our extended cohort, which will include a copy of Victoria’s book, access to additional resources to help your team carry out your work from the in-person day, and access to an exclusive conversation with Victoria about her work with coaches and leaders around access and equity.
Topics will include:
Digital Use: Ensuring students have opportunities for innovative uses of technology to explore, create, and engage to enhance learning
Digital Design: Building educator capacity for designing learning experiences that align with UDL
Digital Access: Addressing accessibility, digital health and safety, long-term sustainability of access, and digital citizenship.
Plan and define the role of technology in teaching and learning by collaborating with your team. Come with questions and leave with actionable steps to start, refine, or evaluate your district’s plans!
April 25, 2025
Event Only:
$99 per person
$275 for a team of three
Event + Extended Cohort
$127 per person
$359 for a team of three
Balsz Community Center

Tucson Values Teachers is providing limited scholarships for educators to attend PD opportunities, if you are interested, click here for more information
- For questions regarding this resource, please contact Arizona Technology in Education (AzTEA).
- Contact Name: Nan Williams
- Phone No: 602-899-5813
- Email Address: executivedirector@aztea.org