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Field Trip Best Practices to Inspire Student Learning

Field trips are tremendous ways to give students exciting, memorable experiences.  Whether such experiences have a lasting impact on students’ lives and learning, however, significantly depends on what educators do with their students before and after the trip.  With just a bit of set-up, students can be primed to receive the experience more deeply; and with some thoughtful follow-up, the energy and excitement generated by the field trip can be intentionally channeled.  In this webinar we will explore together different ideas and approaches that you can take to maximize the impact of the field trips you work so hard to organize!

4:00 – 5:00 Jordan from Fox Theatre

5:00 – 5:10 Access to the Arts from Act One

5:10 – 5:30 General Field Trip Logistics

Presented by Jordan Wiley-Hill from Fox Theater

Jordan Wiley-Hill has been on many sides of the field trip equation.  As a professional storyteller, he has performed for students; as a classroom teacher, he has organized field trips for his students and incorporated them into his curriculum; and as the education manager at the Fox Theatre, he now presents field trips for other educators.  This multi-faceted experience has given him ample opportunity for experimentation and consideration in his ongoing quest to foster student growth with the power of field trips!

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  • For questions regarding this resource, please contact Tucson Regional Educator Collaborative.
  • Contact Name: Alicia Durbin
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