Digging Deep into Fraction Operations with Multiplication and Division Grades 4-6 (IMPACTS-Elem)
Fraction Multiplication and Division understandings are uncovered through mathematically rich tools and discussions. Join us as you will build, draw, and discuss fraction multiplication and division. We will use representations to build deeper understandings of fraction multiplication and division. Bring your playful inquisitive minds, but leave “flip and multiply” at home!
Presenters: Liesl Scheffel, Agi Post
Time: 8:30am-12:30pm
Location: Hybrid: In-person at UArizona Tucson Campus. Remote via Zoom.
Earn: Up to 5 hours of professional development credit for recertification.
**NOTE: Participants will be expected to take a task back to their classrooms, collect and analyze student work, and share their reflections with the CRR.
- For questions regarding this resource, please contact Center for Recruitment and Retention of Mathematics Teachers (CRR).
- Phone No: 520-621-6866
- Email Address: math-crr@arizona.edu