How can we make sense of exponential relationships and exponential functions in a way that engages learners in making connections from past learning to future learning? How can learners find agency and autonomy in making sense of these ideas? How can they evaluate their learning and make decisions based on that learning? How do we decide what to “grade” and what not to? Come and explore these ideas as we put the toolkits from Building Thinking Classrooms together in our final high school workshop of the year. This training is specific to High School classrooms and students.
Hybrid: In-person at UArizona Tucson Campus. Remote via Zoom.
*NOTE: Participants will be expected to take a task back to their classrooms, collect and analyze student work, and share their reflections with the CRR.

- For questions regarding this resource, please contact Center for Recruitment and Retention of Mathematics Teachers (CRR).
- Phone No: 520-621-6866
- Email Address: