Kind Campus is an innovative school-based program that educates students, faculty, and staff about the benefits of kindness, and then empowers them to create a culture of kindness in their school and beyond. Participating schools receive access to all of our free Kind Campus program materials with easy-to-incorporate ideas and content designed to be highly adaptable to different ages and needs.
Abundant research demonstrates that the practice of intentional kindness benefits all of us, no matter our age. In fact, there are statistically significant associations between social-emotional skills in kindergarten and key outcomes for young adults years later. Kind Campus focuses on students in Pre-K through High School, and includes materials designed to support the faculty and administrators who guide students through their education. Kind Campus is thoughtfully arranged and organized to provide teachers, counselors, and staff with a structured method for teaching kindness skills and other pro-social and social-emotional skills.
Join the hundreds of schools that are changing their campuses with this free program!

- For questions regarding this resource, please contact Ben's Bells Project.
- Contact Name: Liz Levine, Education Manager
- Phone No: 520-622-1379, ext. 1004
- Email Address: