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What Teenager Doesn’t Like to Argue? Building Rich Math Argument/Evidence (HEMS)

February 1, 2025

What Teenager Doesn’t Like to Argue? Building Rich Mathematical Arguments/Evidence in the Middle School Classrooms (HEMS-MS)


These two sessions (Jan 11 and Feb 1) are designed to apply to your classroom immediately. They will equip educators with structures and activities that promote mathematical discussions and mindsets, allowing students to demonstrate their thinking using various resources, from manipulatives and pictorial to verbal reasoning. The focus will be on rational operations, equations and expressions, and geometry, providing rich mathematical opportunities for students.

*This is a two-part series focused on Middle School Mathematics that earns participants professional development certificates for 9 hours. $50 stipends will only be provided to the first 25 teachers from Arizona schools who participate in both sessions due to the generosity of Herbst Family. Please only register if you can attend both sessions*

Speakers: Katie Nicholas

Time: 8:30am-12:30pm

Location: Hybrid: In-person at UArizona Tucson Campus. Remote via Zoom.

Earn: Up to 9 hours of professional development credit for recertification and a $50 stipend for full participation in both sessions.

**NOTE: Participants will be expected to take a task back to their classrooms, collect and analyze student work, and share their reflections with the CRR.

  • For questions regarding this resource, please contact Center for Recruitment and Retention of Mathematics Teachers (CRR).
  • Phone No: 520-621-6866
  • Email Address: