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Work-Based Learning

November 14, 2020

Course Description:
This course satisfies the ADE requirement for the Cooperative Education Endorsement. Create meaningful work-based learning experiences for your students! This course will provide teachers with a variety of models that provide academic and professional growth opportunities for students. You will review workplace employability skills, youth labor laws, and the associated forms, agreements, and guidelines that must be taken into consideration. After selecting the model that is most appropriate for your situation, you will develop a plan to implement this critical CTE component into your curriculum.

-Define work-based learning
-Analyze the different types of work-based learning programs
-Identify the benefits of work-based learning for students, employers, school, and communities
-Identify and describe Arizona workplace employability skills
-Identify appropriate roles of the school, employer, student, and parent/guardian
-Identify the components of a work-based learning program
-Identify and analyze work-based learning data
-Identify state and federal youth labor laws and regulations 
-Identify legal and ethical concerns associated with implementing work-based learning and appropriate strategies to address these concerns
-Analyze marketing strategies for garnering support and nurturing relationships with employers and community organizations.

For: All CTE Teachers

ADE Credit Available: Yes
1 Semester Hour (SH) Credit Satisfies Professional Knowledge (PK) deficiencies

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