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WSIP Custom Workshops

WSIP facilitates interactive workshops on a variety of writing-related topics for both academic writers and teachers of academic writing.

Workshops for writers aim to develop critical writing skills and awareness of academic writing conventions. Workshops for teachers of writing aim to support innovative practices in the classroom, expand grading and assessment strategies, and engage teachers in thinking about how they engage writing in writing-emphasis courses in any discipline. Our Writing Specialists design content and activities to meet the needs of each audience. We encourage you to view our sample list of topics.

We regularly provide workshops for the following audiences in all academic disciplines:

  • Student writers (high school, undergraduate, and graduate)
  • Professional writers (academic, private-sector, and government sector)
  • High school teachers
  • University instructors

Interested organizations should contact WSIP directly at or submit a Request at our website.  Fees begin at $195/hour.

  • For questions regarding this resource, please contact Writing Skills Improvement Program (WSIP).
  • Contact Name: Andrea Holm
  • Phone No: 520-621-5849
  • Email Address: or