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Strengthening Families: Protective Factors: Introduction and Implementation

March 26, 2022

The Strengthening Families Framework helps ensure optimal outcomes for children and their families by implementing strategies that strengthen families, build protective factors, promote individual growth, help systems be more responsive to families and children, and strengthen communities’ capacities as safe and healthy environments. This session will introduce the Strengthening Families™  Protective Factors Framework, define the five protective factors, and identify strategies for implementation to buffer potentially negative effects from adverse childhood experiences while improving outcomes for all children and families. This will be an interactive, engaging session that will help you see families through a different lens and learn specific strategies to support all families and children you interact with.

Agenda can be viewed by clicking on “Live Training Schedule” after clicking on the link to the Arizona Department of Education’s page.

  • For questions regarding this resource, please contact .
  • Contact Name: Early Childhood Program
  • Email Address: