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Happy Summer, Teachers! Whether you are working, traveling, reflecting, learning, or doing something else entirely, we hope you find some time to relax, recharge, and drink lots of water!

Teaching the 5 Components of Health-Related Fitness Through Jigsaw Learning

February 23, 2023

Jigsaw in Physical Education!


Have you ever wondered how to get your students to understand the benefits of the 5 components of health-related fitness and connect it to their fitness goal setting plan?

This webinar will take you through the jigsaw learning process and show you how students can take accountability for their learning while examining each component of fitness and connecting them to their health goals. Participants will actively participate with each other while going through the learning process you would take students through in the jigsaw approach.

  • For questions regarding this resource, please contact .
  • Contact Name: Angela Budovsky-Robinson
  • Phone No: 602.542.1454
  • Email Address: